Preventative Screening
Diagnostic Imaging
Pulaski Memorial Hospital is dedicated to providing quality care to all individuals, even before a medical necessity arises.
Our Diagnostic Imaging Department offers two preventative screening tests to help spot issues before a more serious medical condition arises.
Are you at risk for a heart attack? A HeartScan can help determine your risk. A quick CT scan can measure the amount of plaque within the coronary arteries well before you notice any symptoms of heart disease, allowing you to take measures to reduce your chances of a heart attack, stroke, or other forms of cardiovascular disease.
What to expect:
- Please allow 30 minutes for your appointment
- You will be fully clothed
- You will be asked to hold your breath a couple of times while images are being acquired
- The results of the test will be reviewed with you by the CT technologist before you leave, and the report will be provided to you to take home
- A copy of the results will also be sent to your primary care provider
Who should have a HeartScan:
While an order is not required, we suggest consulting with your provider to see if a HeartScan would benefit you. Based on your medical history, your primary care provider can determine if you are at risk for heart disease.
The HeartScan costs $49, and the test must be scheduled in advance. Please call (574) 946-2193 to schedule your appointment.
Low Dose Lung Screening
A Low Dose Lung Screening can help determine your risk for Lung Cancer.
To qualify for the screening, patients must be:
- A current smoker
- A former smoker (having quit in the past 15 years)
- A smoking history of at least a 30-pack smoker, i.e., smoked 1-pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years or smoked 2-packs a day for 15 years
- No history of lung cancer
- Age 55-77 years old (If a primary care provider determines that there are other risk factors, individuals may be younger than 55 and receive the screen)
- No current lung cancer symptoms or any acute respiratory conditions or chronic conditions can be screened
- Must have a primary care provider
- Must have a written order from your care provider
Before the screening, a technologist will assist you in completing and reviewing a questionnaire.
The final screening report will be sent to your primary care provider, and a letter with the results will be sent to you. Any abnormal results will also include follow-up recommendations.
All screenings must have an order from a primary care provider. Low Dose Lung Screenings must be scheduled in advance. To schedule an appointment, please call (574) 946-2193.